Skincare Facts and Myths

10 INSANE (But True) Things About Skin And Skincare!

Back in 2020, when the pandemic hit hard, people around the globe had a chance to embrace self-love by taking care of their skin at home. That is when skin enthusiasts, estheticians, dermatologists, etc., came to the surface to share their knowledge about skin and skincare. Of course, we won’t prevent seeing unusual things on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, especially TikTok, but what are the skincare facts and myths?

We’re here to jot down some crazy things for you:

Skin is the largest organ of the body.

One key skincare fact is that skin isn’t just a cover for our internal organs. It’s also the body’s first line of defense, protecting us from harmful microorganisms.

You have micro-pets on your skin!

Did you know your skin is a teeming ecosystem for trillions of bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, and even small insects? This is just one of many fascinating skincare facts that reveal the complexity of our largest organ.

Melanin? We love her.

More melanin provides excellent protection from skin damage and can lead to slower signs of aging. However, even with melanin-rich skin, sunscreen (SPF) is still essential and one of the most critical Skincare facts.

Pores don’t simply open and close at will.

These tiny openings on the skin aren’t like doors but act as pathways. Various factors can lead to pore enlargement, including loss of elasticity, congestion, increased oil production, genetics, hormonal changes, sun damage, and excessive washing. So, pore enlargement enlarges and minimizes the appearance, but it doesn’t necessarily open and close. This is one of the skincare myths.

In conclusion, navigating the skincare world can be filled with surprising revelations and common misconceptions. By debunking myths and embracing the truth behind these 10 insane but true skin and skincare facts, you are better equipped to care for your skin with confidence and knowledge. Remember, a little curiosity and a lot of self-care can go a long way in achieving healthy and radiant skin. Keep exploring, keep learning, and most importantly, keep glowing!

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